This picture of the wild Pacific off the coast of Oregon reminds me that long summer days, with a slower rhythm, around the corner. Spring is always busy but the month of May has a madness all it’s own. When I told a good friend that I felt like there were ping pong balls in my head, she reminded me of the life-giving practice of solitude. I love being alone with my own thoughts. But lately, it seems to take an almost titanic effort to sit quietly and direct my whole attention, to quiet the inner voice of self. So, I am focusing on a particularly beautiful piece of poetry, and it happens to be from the Bible. These are King David’s last words before he dies, describing the God who made an everlasting covenant with him: “He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” 2 Samuel 23.4. So, this weekend I hope you find the time to practice solitude and have a few extra moments to read these things worth knowing.
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