Welcome to The Edge of Simple. A landing-place for discovering and sharing stylish things and ideas to help in the pursuit of a life well-lived. Modern living insists, even demands, we make a myriad of micro-decisions every day. So much so, we often feel as if we are crawling across the daily finish line defeated by the appalling “what’s for dinner” question. Here you’ll find encouragement for simplification-for as much or as little as you like-you choose.
“The art of successful living requires discerning what things need to change to preserve the things that really matter.” – Rod Dreher
Here are 10 essentials about me:
10. I’m a Texan by adoption, a Floridian by birth.
9. Always the ocean. Anytime, anywhere.
8. When it comes to style, always make an effort. Never try too hard.
7. Life is a series of moments not accomplishments. Live slow enough to not miss the moments.
6. Forever in blue jeans and a white tee.
5. Never play it safe. Venture out into the wilderness, beyond the edge of the comfort zone.
4. McDonald’s non-fat latte. Never tea.
3. Pursue truth. No matter where it takes you.
2. 3 amazing grown children (who still want to hang out with me, I think) and one incredible grown husband.
1. Christ-follower. The journey of the spirit is important; the human soul struggling through life.