Even if you’ve never consciously thought about it, everyone has a list of their favorite feelings. Like getting into bed after a long day, waking up rested–really rested. At the top of my list? Being close to the ocean. To hear it, to touch it, to smell it. Just like peace rolling in wave after wave. I took this photo of the Pacific Ocean a few weeks ago. The shimmering, dancing water as the sun was extinguishing itself. Never can get enough. I hope you find a little of that peace this weekend and find some time to read these things worth knowing from around the web.
Leslie says
Yay! I love the rec for the hair product- went and looked at it and looks like something fun to try for a quick summer do! And- the marg recipes- want to try the blood orange/ citrus one. Looks so fresh! Thank you EOS!
Plus the Flannery O’Conner article looks intriguing.
Would love your recs on Summer movies to watch—-
We have been going back through the Cary Grant/Grace Kelly and the Star Wars movies.